When we couldn't wait any longer we finally broke down and called the Dr.'s office. That kind of makes it sound like we waited a really long time, but honestly, we only held out until about 1:30. If I had know how little information they had for us, I would have kept waiting.
Basically, all the Dr.'s assistant had for us was that the Tumor Board decided that surgery would be Mom's best option. When I asked if that meant a mastectomy, the nurse said that he would talk with us about that at her next appointment. Dr. Schuss will be out of town all next week and so her next appointment isn't until the 11th of October. The nurse said that he doesn't want to see her sooner because he wants to give the red spot over the tumor time to fade or get worse. She did say that they would most likely schedule her surgery for that same week. After we hung up the phone and were all talking we got confused, because if they are doing her surgery for sure that week, they must not be going to attempt to use Chemo to shrink it first. But if that's the case, why wouldn't they just tell us that over the phone? Good grief, getting info out of a Dr is like squeezing blood from a turnip! Who knows if they will have other options for us that Monday.
The red spot has not really changed much over the last few days, but we are still trusting and praying. We are all trying not to be frustrated by the slow trickle of information. I guess we all thought it would be pretty cut and dried and things would start happening right away. None of us, (Shan, my mom or myself) have much in the way of patience it seems.
On a brighter note, we decided to drown our sorrows at 5 Guys Burgers & Fries after our uninformative phone call. Shan and I had never been, so this was a brand new experience for us. Scott was able to meet us and we laughed and ate and had a grand ol' time just being us. Afterward, Shan tried to get us all to pose for a few pictures, and it proved to be an hilarious attempt.
Standing on the promises of God,